Q. What is your in-game name?
Chesty - It's after Chesty Puller USMC
Q. How old are you? Are you a mature individual?
I am 47 yo- and it depends on your definition of mature
Q. Where did you hear about us? Referred? If so by whom?
Can't remember but have been playing with you guys for a couple of years
Q. How long have you been playing Call of Duty: Black Ops? What other PC related games do you enjoy?
I've been playing since the first Call of Duty game
Q. What is your favorite game-type in Call of Duty: Black Ops?
Has to be Hardcore - Kill Confirmed is currently my favorite
Q. Do you play on [RCF] servers on a regular basis? Which server(s) do you play on most?
Yes. Ghosts
Q. Are you a team player? Do you work for the objective rather than padding your own statistics?
Have you seen my statistics?
Q. Why have you decided to apply for membership with the [RCF] clan?
You guys are the only people I play with on a regular basis, even when I was in another clan I was always in here more often than my old clan
Q. Will you join us in our TeamSpeak 3? (TeamSpeak 3 info - Port: 9992)
Have been for years and you haven't kicked me yet
Q. Tell us about yourself. Are you a student? What do you do for a living? What are your hobbies?
I was in an accident about 6 years ago where I shattered both my wrists and took a blow to my head which loosened a few more screws in my head so I have been unable to work. I am currently appealing to receive disability (the whole process is crap) so I am broke and with no money and bad wrists don't really have any hobbies other than COD