Q. What is your in-game name? Shuggahbear

Q. How old are you? Are you a mature individual? 30 yes

Q. Where did you hear about us? Referred? If so by whom? Through commador

Q. How long have you been playing Call of Duty: world war 2 What other PC related games do you enjoy? a few months plaay many pc games
Q. What is your favorite game-type in Call of Duty:world war 2 TDM

Q. Do you play on [RCF] servers on a regular basis? Which server(s) do you play on most? yes

Q. Are you a team player? Do you work for the objective rather than padding your own statistics? Yes I am a team player. And yes I work for the objectives.

Q. Why have you decided to apply for membership with the [RCF] clan? I love playing with everyone in RCF very live bunch of players they are.

Q. Will you join us in our TeamSpeak 3? (TeamSpeak 3 info - Already been on it for a few months.

Q. Tell us about yourself. Are you a student? What do you do for a living? What are your hobbies? I work thirds and I play games other than that I don't do much really