lmao i thought i had a few drinks n commented on this post b 4 but i think this i missed my oppertunity to say ( with out caring if my spellininging is correct lol ) because of the jeaqer bombs.... but WTF? we as men do not wear our hearts on our sleeves for any assshole to step on!!! if 4 some reason one of us are speaking there mind or just speaking up it isnt personal!!! think of this as a frat party!!! relaxe have fucking fun n let yer balls swing!!! dont take anything personal or maybe it is something you need to address as a person!!! if i cllsome one a 1/2 a fag doesnt mean i think they are a profetional sword swollower!!!! im just poking fun and not in the hey i wanna be poked kinda way just being a typical guy!!! if you cant see that WE ARE LL HERE TO JUST HAVE FUN AND PLAY A GAME !! then as they say " dont let the door hit ya were the good lord split ya, n see ya" we are here to play and be or selves. so if your applying to this clan keep that in mind. we value our game play over our dramma!!!! save that 4 your mama!!!! not every 1 is going to get along %100 so except every one with there faults or IT'S YER FAULT!!! were not DR.Phill!